Group spiritual guidance takes place in confidential sessions in which a small group of 4-5 people meet with a spiritual guidance facilitator who has been specifically trained and has a good deal of experience listening for God's presence and invitations alongside those who want to draw closer to God's heart. During group spiritual guidance we listen deeply to the experiences of each person's life and contemplate God's presence and grace within them. We turn our attention to the spiritual journeys that are taking place and come to recognize guideposts that point the way into fuller relationships with each other, ourselves, Earth, and Sacred Spirit. We become aware that all of life is sacred and bears witness to the nature of God's deep and abiding love for us.
Group spiritual guidance provides companions for the journey toward the heart of God. As we open ourselves to listen for the sacred invitations being extended to each other, our own spiritual life centers grow stronger and emerge more fully. Holding each other in the light of compassionate, unconditional love without attempting to "fix" or offer advice, group participants often find God's voice speaking to their own hearts through the experiences of another. Group spiritual guidance requires an ongoing commitment to meet regularly, and to pray for each other daily. When and how often a group meets is determined by the participants. A period of individual spiritual guidance is strongly recommended before joining or forming a group. The suggested donation is $25/session, although there is no set fee.
For more information, please contact us me: [email protected]. I would love to talk with you.